Though we have existed for a short time on Facebook, we are just about ready to go live to the world wide web! As we build our website we are compiling our data and planning our future it’s a very exciting yet daunting time as we cross everything in the hope that people care enough for our ocean to share some time with us. As we are all animal people, putting things into words doesn’t come naturally and thank goodness for spell check!
“When you inspire one person you have already changed the world. “ Sabina Nore

“I write only when I’m inspired. Fortunately I’m inspired at 9 o’clock every morning.” -William Faulkner
This website would never be possible if it weren’t for the tireless help of the Hicks Ads team, many a morning they receive an email chocker block with questions or the 3rd phone call that day the still answer with a smile ☺ They always go the extra mile for us because they can see that our heart is in the right spot and they really want us to succeed. It is this community mind that warms our hearts and kindles our passion~ we can make change.