Help Sea Shelter Preserve Port Stephens Marine Sanctuaries
The Draft Management Plan and the submission are incredibly important for the future of our sanctuaries. It has taken more than a month for Sea Shelter to navigate it. We have finally finished our submission. It is an exact replica of the survey filled out and we are asking for your help. Please make a submission by filling out the have your say survey HERE using our PDF as a guide OR simply attach the our PDF at the start of the survey in place of filling it out. We cannot stress enough how important this is. Please help us before it’s too late.
Less then a week – due on the 31st CLICK HERE for our pre-filled out PDF submission. Next CLICK HERE to start the survey/submission!
In 2021, the Department of Primary Industries started reviewing their approach to marine parks management and have put together a new plan which could potentially reduce Port Stephens sanctuary zones. It’s our aim to ensure that no less than 17.3% of Port Stephens marine environment is protected and we hope to count on your support
Why does Port Stephens-Great Lakes Marine Park need protection?
- Around 17% of Earth’s terrestrial areas are protected, whilst only 7% of the marine environment is covered by protected areas.
- An estimated 50-80% of all life on earth is found under the ocean surface and the oceans contain 99% of the living space on the planet.
- NSW Minister for Agriculture Adam Marshall recently met with AFTA president Michael Starkey and ruled out any new marine parks in NSW also publicly stating they plan to open Port Stephens up to recreational fishing! (view video here)
Benefits of Marine Protected Areas
MPAs provide a range of benefits for fisheries, local economies and the marine environment including:
- conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems;
- arresting and possibly reversing the global and local decline in fish populations and productivity
- by protecting critical breeding, nursery and feeding habits;
- raising the profile of an area for marine tourism and broadening local economic options;
- providing opportunities for education, training, heritage and culture; and
- providing broad benefits as sites for reference in long- term research.
Marine protected areas with core ‘no-take’ reserves can play an important role in arresting and possibly reversing the global and local decline in fish populations and productivity. There is a substantial weight of evidence in favour of the beneficial role of MPAs in a range of different types of fisheries, in different global localities, and within different fisheries management regimes. (Read More here)
Have your Say To Support Port Stephens Marine Parks Conservation today- no time to waste!
Time is running out to have your say to support the preservation of Marine Parks in Port Stephens. The Draft Managament Plan proposed by the NSW Government is huge and overwhelming and reading it can be difficult. We’ve put together our own summary and documentation that you can upload to the survey to support your answers.
Draft NSW Mainland Marine Park Network Management Plan 2021-2031
Find the draft plan here and the have your say survey here: https://yoursay.marine.nsw.gov.au/stage-1 Download our PDF submission to use in your survey HERE
Maps of NSW Marine Parks
“It is the worst of times but it is the best of times because we still have a chance.”
– Sylvia Earle, Oceanographer
Sea Shelter is Dedicated to the Preservation of Our Marine Environment
Sea Shelter’s team of passionate volunteers are unfortunately aware of the effects of the reduction of marine sanctuary zones. They often see remnants of rubbish left behind from recreational fishing that injures wildlife and pollutes our beautiful environment. They dedicate their time and skills to remove the waste they find and assist with the animals affected by it.
Sea Shelter volunteers are passionate about conserving the current sanctuary zones to assist in the long-term survival of the animals who live there. Through education, research, regeneration and public awareness we hope to work together to save our sanctuaries and preserve the future of our marine environment.