D’albora Marina underwater clean up
Saturday the 2nd of December 2017, D’albora Marina Nelson Bay. Meeting at the west end of the break wall near the fish market at 12.30pm for prep for a 2pm dive. This dive clean up will target all the fishing line that as been hooked, marine debris and plastic pollution trapped in the rocks. It will take place both sides (and along the top) of the longest (west) break wall and the small one if time allows. All Sea Shelter Members and volunteers are welcome to join us to help clean on the day, though only current Open Water qualified divers can collect underwater. There will be plenty to do for the non-divers, looking for litter along the break wall, helping to pull the debris onto the barge and counting our findings.
“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world” Desmond Tutu

“Only we humans make waste that nature can’t digest.”— Charles Moore, Marine Researcher
We couldn’t do this alone, it is with the help of many hands that make light work. A huge thanks to D’albora Marina who has been more then helpful, providing us with a dumpster for the collected marine debris and even offering a sausage sizzle for the volunteers!
A massive thanks to Seven Seas Oysters for helping out and lending us their barge to make any hauling easier!
Let’s Go Adventures dive shop have been really helpful in getting us set up, they really care about the health of the Ocean and have done clean ups of the break wall themselves previously.
Want to help out?
Dive Collectors
- Bring personal dive gear or hire on the day
- Gloves provided
- Clean up bags provided
- Must have Open Water certification with you
On land collectors
- Wear strong enclosed footwear
- Bring weather protection e.g hat & sunnies
- Clean up bags provided
- Gloves provided
- Don’t forget water (preferably in a reusable bottle)
Sea Shelter will need to know prior if you intend to help out ~ please contact 0434 014 460, email [email protected] or messages us on Facebook.